Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Tata Miguel Vanderlipe, a 90-year old Philippine veteran and Roman Catholic, was married to Nana Remedia Yaranon. He had three sons and six daughters who served as leaders and members of different protestant denominations.
Tata’s wife was a member of the Born Again Christian (BAC) Church, as were two of his sons and three of his daughters. The other three daughters remained Roman Catholics.

Tata’s eldest son, Manny, became a Seventh-day Adventist in 2000. Manny ended up introducing Tata to Adventist beliefs.

Before the Seventhday Adventist message entered Tata’s home, he first became a Born Again Christian Bible student with his wife.

Later, in 2005, Manny suggested that I present a series of Bible studies to his parents.

Prior to that time, Manny was staying in Baguio with his three children because of his employment in the RCBC Bank. Many times he left his work to assist in the Aringay Adventist group activities and services and to visit his parents.

The Aringay group accepted Manny’s proposal to visit his parents for Bible studies.

After four months of Bible study, Tata and his wife were baptized.

But then trials and obstacles came to test them. Tata’s son who was a minister for the Born Again Christian church, along with other ministers and members of the BAC church, urged Tata and his wife to eat unclean foods. The couple was also pressured to leave the Seventh day Adventist Church, which the BAC members called a cult religion.

However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Tata and his wife stood firm through the trials. The Aringay Adventist leaders and members continued Bible studies at Tata’s home.

Nine months after his baptism, Tata lost his hearing. His mouth was also affected in such a way that it was difficult for him to
take food.

Maxwell Agunan, an Aringay Adventist group leader, anointed Tata for the forgiveness of his sins, and the brethren sang a song of hope and salvation. Tata felt that he was right with his Lord.

Then Tata passed away with the blessed assurance of seeing King Jesus on the great resurrection morning.

Maxwell D. Agunan
GO Evangelist
September 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The salvation christ offers is not a reward for religious effort but a gift to all who put their trust in him. We as believers should not focus on our religion,but rather than God Words, because religion it self cannot save us only Jesus Christ.